Over the years, we’ve had many brides-to-be come to Dancers Shape looking for a way to get in shape and look amazing in their wedding dress. We asked one of our most recent brides, Tyler, to reflect on her experience getting ready for her big day. Here’s what she had to say:

Fit Bride: Q&A with Tyler
Dancers Shape
DS: How did you find Dancers Shape?
Tyler: "I first discovered barre while I was living in NYC and was super sad when moving that I wouldn't find a studio that I liked that much. When I left NYC for Austin I moved into the Amli which is right above Dancers Shape! So I guess you would say we were neighbors :) Couldn't get better than having a barre studio in your building!"

DS: What are your favorite classes?
Tyler: " I am a creature of habit and just love the Shape or Express Shape classes. I was worried I would get tired of the routine after going a couple times a week - but that didn't happen because each instructor had their own style/version of the class."
DS: How soon did you see results?
Tyler: "I signed up for the 6 month Bridal Special, but I am bit of a procrastinator and didn't really "seriously start" until 5 months out. I FELT stronger after 3 classes and getting the hang of the routine and then after class 8 I could start to see more muscle definition and the shake and burn started to diminish, well slightly... In a month I could see that I was becoming a lot more toned and actually able to do those chair sits without having to take a shake break (those are the hardest for me!). After 2 months, that's when everyone started noticing my toned arms and calves and wanting to know what was I doing?!"

DS: How did you fit your workout into the stress of planning your wedding?
Tyler: "Planning a wedding IS stressful, and the only thing that helped me keep my sanity was DS. It was really the only one hour I had to shut off my brain from wedding planning / work, to be able to just breath and and release everything that had been built up from the day. No phone, no one talking to me asking me questions it was just me and the music and of course the instructors. This is really important for any bride, when you work out, you feel good and not to mention you look good!"
DS: What was your fitness goal with DS classes and did you achieve it?
Tyler: " I didn't really come into this saying I needed to lose X amount of pounds by this date - I think this is when people get in trouble and start obsessing over exercising and what they are eating - and let’s face it we have enough stress in this world let alone while planning a wedding. I just knew I wanted to look toned in my wedding dress and see my soon to be husband's mouth drop. My main goal was to come to DS at least 3 to 4 times a week and if that meant I had plans after work I would get my butt up at the crack of dawn and go to the early morning 5:45 class. I would usually try and take the weekends off. Or if I was really tired and I wanted a good workout in, but not so intense I would go to Yoga with Emily. While that being my goal other achievements just kind of happened, I lost 4'' off my hips, I started eating healthier because I was treating my body better and I was feeling good - even with all the stress that the wedding brings you!"