
“I am 71 years old and suffer from pain in my lower back, right leg and knee. I recently completed 10 weeks of work with a physical therapist, and much of what we do in the Restorative class carries through from what I did in physical therapy. I feel that the Restorative class is helping me to manage these problems. Also, my balance is poor, and I appreciate the balance work we do in the classes. My mother had ‘Dowager’s Hump’ (a very common postural change in aging women). I have the beginning signs of it but the Restorative class at Dancers Shape has helped open my posture – standing taller and improving balance.” READ MORE.

Pam & Rudy
I am 72 years old and have suffered with stiff joints and muscle cramps for several years. My husband is 74 years old and has one hip replaced, lower back spasms, and most likely needs his other hip operated on. He had so much pain that he had difficulty turning over at night. I had never exercised before and I was intimidated to go to an exercise class for the first time. I did not know what to expect and thought I would feel out of place. I was pleasantly surprised to see others my age attending the Restorative class who were experiencing similar issues. Everyone was very friendly and made us feel welcome at the first class. Now after 10 months, my stiff joints have greatly improved and my muscle cramps have disappeared. The best part is I have lost 21 pounds! While my husband still might need another hip surgery, his mobility and back pain have improved significantly.