Polka Dot Powerhouse Private Event
Dancers Shape welcomes Polka Dot Powerhouse to a private "Member's Only" event! Join us at the Dancers Shape studio on Wednesday 11/28 to burn off those excessive Thanksgiving calories in their signature Shape class. This open level barre class will be geared towards beginner/intermediate levels, and will offer plenty of modifications for injuries and new clients. The class will begin at 6:30pm, so we encourage participants to arrive around 6:15pm to allow time to get situated in the classroom and meet their instructor. After class, Dancers Shape will be hosting a mingling hour with hors d'oeuvres and wine. Come to both the class and the after party, or just one part!
Please RSVP and register with the links below:
Shape Class & After Party $25: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=11818&stype=41&sTG=23&prodId=2661
After Party Only $10: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=11818&stype=41&sTG=23&prodId=2662
Polkadot Powerhouse Member's Only Event Details:
When: Wednesday, November 28th
Where: Dancers Shape, 5350 Burnet Rd. Ste 7, Austin, TX 78756
Time: 6:15 - 8:30 pm
Barre class begins 6:30 pm sharp followed by heavy horsdoeuvres and wine. We look forward to seeing everyone!