Introducing our Yoga Workshop Series!
Through the course of a single Vinyasa Yoga class, we put our bodies into positions and fluidly flow through the shapes. The teacher does their best to cue and assist you into your best form of each pose, but occasionally, subtle key actions can be missed. We also get questions from students about how they can achieve the bigger poses. And while we can answer this after class, it often takes more guidance, explanation, and experience in your own body to discover your potential in “big” poses. This is the inspiration for this workshop series.
In each session, we will take familiar poses and learn new ways to approach and even advance them. We will work with props and dig deep into the subtle actions of the body, some of which your body may be familiar with from barre & pilates! Each session will build on top of what we learn in the previous sessions, but will be beneficial on their own. These sessions will be accessible for all levels, though it will be helpful if you have experienced at least a vinyasa class or two.