When you get letters like this, it validates all the hard work that is put into owning a small business. This is why we love our jobs and adore our clients and community that has been built over the years at Dancers Shape! Thank you Amanda (and all the others) for your kind words.- Jennifer

Why We Do Our Job
Dancers Shape
DS team,
I wanted to write you today to remind you how very special you all are, though I don’t think any words & cookies alone will completely convey my gratitude.
I hope you all know how much you mean to so many people; for a lot of us, coming to DS isn’t just a great workout. It’s where we find balance and support from you and each other. (By the way, it is a GREAT workout!)
I’ve been through a lot of change during the past few months - moving into a new job, relationship, and trying to cope with my mother’s illness and difficult prognosis. With your kind, upbeat attitudes & welcoming demeanor you all have created a space of comfort & peace during this tough time.
With the most heartfelt sincerity, thank you.