
Welcome to the Dancers Shape Blog!

By now most people who frequent Dancers Shape know I was a professional dancer in my former life – A Radio City Rockette at the famous Radio City Music Hall. It was my childhood dream to dance with this iconic group and being up on that stage was magical. However, many might not know that I also worked as a makeup artist during my 13 year stint in NYC; my clients varied from the Rockettes to Chanel to movie stars to brides, allowing me to work in all beauty genres. My love for beauty products and fashion has always coincided with my passion for dance and fitness.

However, my journey coming back to Austin to create a brand new life and business (from scratch) has proven to be my favorite love story thus far. With so many colorful, fun and challenging career choices and events shaping my path through life, I wanted to share a little of what I have learned over the years, consulting with other professionals forging their paths in similar fields.


The Dancers Shape blog will feature topics such as fitness, nutrition, fashion, beauty, and life lessons to help motivate you and keep you updated on studio news. We hope you will enjoy!
