Have you tried Cardio Wild Card yet? It's an awesome hour-long cardio class that burns up to 700 or 800 calories! Everyone's burn is going to be different. It all depends on weight, height, age, level of conditioning and how much effort you expend during the hour. One of our clients who tracks her calories burned said that when she takes this class in the morning she burns more calories throughout the day. Now who can argue with getting your day started with a serious calorie burn that will last all day? Cardio Wild Card is a great calorie burst of cardio and you will feel so accomplished after! Plus it's way more FUN than spending an hour on a treadmill.
Try Our Newest Class: Cardio Wild Card!
Dancers Shape
Every Cardio Wild Card class will be a little different since it's teacher's choice. Just know you're in for an awesome, sweaty time. Anything goes in this class so be prepared to jump, punch and kick! Try it today.