
R&R Mindfulness Week 4: Stay Engaged and Curious

“Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.” - Malcom Gladwell

You have made it to the last week of this challenge! Give yourself a big pat on the back for this accomplishment!

Throughout this month, we have introduced small yet effective things to add to your daily lives to help you live mindfully and healthily. Sit and reflect on how your body and mind has changed over the last few weeks. And I totally suggest writing it down so that you can see and appreciate the effects of these changes! This week, I want you to continue integrating mindfulness into your daily life with your breathing practice, your conscious writing, and your meditation.

Now I want you to think beyond this 4 week challenge. Grab your handy notebook again :) and write down what you want your life to look like 1 month from now. Write down goals, small or big. Write about your daily routine. Even write about your ideal weekly routine. Then do the same for 6 months from now. Repeat for 12 months from now.

The act of putting our goals down in writing, or on vision boards, or on something of the like, solidifies our intentions and aspirations. I invite you to use all of the tools that you have been given throughout this challenge, grab a buddy to help hold yourself accountable, and know that every little step you take, is a step towards progress.


My biggest piece of advice is to stay curious. I have laid out a few different practices over the last few weeks to help introduce mindfulness into your lives. Some of these practices may speak to you more than others. Stay curious and experiment, on your own, ways to help you stay mindful. I have listed some resources below for you to help you stay engaged. But I do want to challenge you to at least one mindful thing a day. Remembering, every bit of time you spend with a mindful practice is an investment in yourself.

Helpful resources to keep you on your mindfulness path include:

  • “Meditation for the Love of It” by Sally Kempton

  • Instagram accounts: @mediation_and_mindfulness @meditation.on.mind @dancersshape @ekm_yoga

  • Mindfulness classes at Dancers Shape:

    • Sunday 4:15 pm Vinyasa Yoga

    • Sunday 5:20 pm Donation Meditation

    • Tuesday 8:15 pm Vinyasa Yoga

    • Thursday 8:15 pm Recovery

We’ve made it a long way, so let’s allow the conversation to continue! Join us on Instagram and Facebook to keep the New Year’s momentum going! Share your story with us for a chance to win a gift card to Lorna Jane. Thank you all for joining this journey!


--“The light in me, recognizes and honors the bright light in you.”--