Over the years I have been photographed in many costumes during my time as a professional dancer at Radio City. I have also spent many hours on the other side of the camera as a make-up artist and have learned some great tips to ensure a flattering picture. This was really brought to my attention one day as I was photographing a client who won a giveaway who hates having her picture taken but was blown away with how great she looked after a few tips on how to angle her body. Since she was so happy with just a few simple tweaks I thought I would share with everyone so that you may capture the perfect pic the next time you are heading out.

Jennifer's Tips for Flattering Photos
Jennifer McCamish

Try to find a spot with natural lighting and position yourself so that the natural light is shining into your face. For example, if you are inside with a window, make sure you face the window instead of putting your back to it. The natural sunlight will give you great photo lighting.
Use a flash if the only light in the room you have is direct overhead light. This causes shadows on your face creating dark looking bags and circles under your eyes.

Ask the person taking the pic to angle high to low - meaning their arms may raise slightly above their head or shoulders in order to give a nice angle down on the faces, avoiding double chins.

Stand with tall posture and face your hips on a slight diagonal and turn your shoulders back towards the camera. Contract your belly muscles so that you feel your lower belly and ribs pull back towards your spine. This will create a gorgeous waistline and flattering angle of the body.

Tip you chin slightly down and on an angle in order to capture the best side of your face when smiling.
Stand with your weight predominantly on one leg and let the opposite knee relax across the standing leg for a comfortable stance. (See the pic with tip 4!)

Relax your arms by your side and slightly bend one elbow so that your hand almost rests on the front of your thigh.

About the Author
Jennifer McCamish is the owner of Dancers Shape, a Pilates and barre fitness studio in Austin, Texas. A former NYC Radio City Rockette with over 30 years of dance experience and training from legendary institutes around the country, McCamish has worked or performed with many well-known celebrities, television shows and publications. Utilizing her professional knowledge and education, she created Dancers Shape, a unique approach to fitness, incorporating elements of ballet, yoga, Pilates and circuit training to efficiently build strength and muscle tone while maintaining a lean and nimble body. McCamish holds a BA in Dance from the University of Texas in Austin, Athletic Training in Injury Prevention for Dancers from Radio City Entertainment, is a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor including Injuries and Special Populations, Cooper Institute Certified Personal Trainer, IDEA Fitness and Wellness member, and is certified in CPR-First Aid. She is a certified instructor including injuries, special populations and golf conditioning. Read more about Jennifer.