What drew you to nutrition and health coaching? How did you make your way to DS?
As long as I can remember I’ve always been interested in nutrition and food. In college I even had a hard time deciding which route to go and ultimately I chose writing over science and math, which have never been my strong suits. Then after college, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and it drew me back to nutrition with a totally different perspective.
That’s when I started learning about the body’s ability to heal and I was fascinated and also sorta blown away at how I’d never heard food talked about this way. It wasn’t long after that I was on a flight to New York to visit a friend and I sat next to a girl reading a nutrition text book. I asked about it and she told me about the school that 6 months later I went on to attend.
I made my way to Dancers Shape when I was looking for a workout that would help me rehabilitate and strengthen my shoulder, which I’ve had trouble with ever since having my twin daughters in 2015. The classes at Dancers Shape have helped me build strength and regain mobility and function. All in an environment that’s been supportive and not at all intimidating. For that I am so grateful! Jennifer helped me really get going with it and in January she asked me to be part of their Reset and Rebalance Challenge for the New Year.